Page name: Legand of Ashar [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-02-20 21:27:37
Last author: Phil Crooked
Owner: Phil Crooked
# of watchers: 4
Fans: 0
D20: 6
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INTRO: Many Years ago a great god named Ashar was in command of 5 worlds , Earth , Netherrealm , Kunark , Chupas , And Hevan.

A Powerfull Sorcerer by the name of Starial Embarked on a quest to destroy Ashar.... his quest...Was indeed succesfull , Starial overlooked one Iportant fact... Ashar had a son , his name is Ashariati.

Ashariati Fought Starial for many ages , he finally destroyd Starial , but he was to late , his home world of Hevan was condemnd , turnd to ruins over the years of Starials command , Ashariati made an atempt to fix the land , but he could not to this on his own , he was givin one choice to save his home and all of the other worlds by a unknown Sorcerer. The choice was to sacrifice his wings and his future as a god , he would be shipped to the netherrealm.

Ashariati accepted , but he too embarked on a quest , to escape his own damnation , recover his wings , and regain his place as a god , Aware this too was impossable on his own he decided to call upon warriors , sorcerers and whomever else would help him on his quest....
go to members page to join

Members of Legand of Ashar
Legand of Ashar RP room 1
Earth world
Hevan World
Netherrealm world
Chupas world
Kunark world
if you have any questions messange me [Phil Crooked]

Username (or number or email):


2005-02-11 [Dark Adherent]: And yet another...>=]

2005-02-11 [Insaniac Yoshie]: YAYness!!!!!!!! *glomps new member*

2005-02-11 [Dark Adherent]: ^^;

2005-02-11 [Phil Crooked]: i need to redo my characters pic its ruined becouse i used cran and it gayd it up ><

2005-02-11 [Dark Adherent]: Lol XD I don't color with physical mediums anymore, only on the pc.

2005-02-11 [Phil Crooked]: i wanna do that buut i dont know how to use psp real well

2005-02-11 [Dark Adherent]: Eh, I had psp, but I didn't like it much. I use Adobe Photoshop 7 whenever I actually color a picture. I usually just slap down base colors and call it a day...=/

2005-02-11 [Phil Crooked]: i tend to leve my picturs uncolord , ill just do that

2005-02-11 [Phil Crooked]: accually till i finish a new one ima just put a dragon picture i drew up and say my guy can turn into a dragon , an abillity giving threw spiritual training

2005-02-11 [Insaniac Yoshie]: lol i dunno what im going to do about my pic it wont work... v.v

2005-02-11 [Dark Adherent]: Pheonix, do you have AIM, MSN, or Yahoo?

2005-02-11 [Insaniac Yoshie]: yahoo only... sux tho

2005-02-11 [Dark Adherent]: Send me your yahoo in a note so I can contact you. I'll shrink your picture and tell you how to get it uploaded.

2005-02-11 [Phil Crooked]: coulda tried my way but , i see how it is! * runs into dark corner *

2005-02-12 [a little piece of sunshine]: aim is the only messanger that seems to work on my comp lol

2005-02-12 [Phil Crooked]: llooll

2005-02-12 [a little piece of sunshine]: hehehe

2005-02-12 [Phil Crooked]: there is 5 wachers and only 4 members

2005-02-12 [a little piece of sunshine]: hmmm intresting

2005-02-12 [Phil Crooked]: i think we should put up an instructions section incase you dont know what to do , and a banner section whata you guys think?

2005-02-12 [Phil Crooked]: hey i finished my drawing for my char , ill get ur done soon alycia

2005-02-12 [InuzukaKiba]: i have a profile on here now, is that ok?

2005-02-12 [InuzukaKiba]: and if it is ok, what do i do now?

2005-02-12 [Insaniac Yoshie]: just go to the rpg and start rping :) and welcome new member

2005-02-12 [a little piece of sunshine]: yea another member this rox! lol

2005-02-12 [Insaniac Yoshie]: lol yup yup you need to get on the rp and see how much you missed

2005-02-12 [a little piece of sunshine]: yes i read it but i haven't put any thing up yet so exactly r we doing i am really not getting wut is going on

2005-02-12 [Insaniac Yoshie]: well we all just met and then new guy showed up and the page got to big so we had to move it to LA RP 2

2005-02-12 [a little piece of sunshine]: ohhh y don't we just comment that way we don't have to keep creating more and more pages?

2005-02-13 [Insaniac Yoshie]: bc ppl who are just joining the story later on will want to know ahts been going on and they wont be able to bc its in the "older comments" and i dont know about you but i could never get them to work

2005-02-13 [Phil Crooked]: chupas meens suck

2005-02-13 [a little piece of sunshine]: ohhhhhh ok

2005-02-14 [samantha louise!]: HEY!

2005-02-14 [Phil Crooked]: lol HEY!

2005-02-14 [Insaniac Yoshie]: HEY-WOO!!!

2005-02-14 [Phil Crooked]: WOO!!

2005-02-14 [Insaniac Yoshie]: WOO WOO!!

2005-02-14 [Phil Crooked]: if the train hits me i swere im ganna be so mad lol

2005-02-14 [Insaniac Yoshie]: lol! ok were weird... *watches as train hits soulz*

2005-02-14 [Phil Crooked]: owy... lolok i messaged this rp to abunch of people well see what happens

2005-02-14 [Insaniac Yoshie]: i put it up in a wiki and im working on more be careful when you message a bunch of ppl bc you could get hit with a chain message warning

2005-02-14 [Phil Crooked]: oh well dun dun dun

2005-02-14 [Phil Crooked]: i tried the wiki thing no one joined

2005-02-14 [Insaniac Yoshie]: i had a couple ppl say theyd tak a look it a wiki where lots of rpers go so hopefully....

2005-02-14 [Phil Crooked]: yoy! hopefully...

2005-02-14 [Insaniac Yoshie]: lol yoy?

2005-02-14 [Phil Crooked]: yup yoy it means yay but its funnyer

2005-02-14 [Insaniac Yoshie]: okidy dokity

2005-02-14 [a little piece of sunshine]: ..... wow u ppl type alot when ppl r gone lol

2005-02-14 [Insaniac Yoshie]: you talking about the comments here? or the rp? (i think your 2 pages behind there)

2005-02-14 [Phil Crooked]: today fucking sucks......... first off valentines day sucks this year for me , like all the others , second my counsaler basically called me retarded , then she asked me if i was on medication , then said if im not on medication i must be on something else

2005-02-14 [Insaniac Yoshie]: omg why she say that?

2005-02-14 [Phil Crooked]: idont know shes such a bitch . i meen one time i didnt know what she said so i said huh? and she just mocked me saying huh? in a bitchy voice , its like shes got enternal pms

2005-02-15 [Insaniac Yoshie]: ok heres the deal ppl. im going to tell ne one who advertises this rpg to say it a rpg for amitures to come to to learn how to rpg ill make a page with tips for good rpg literacy (i.e. how to type, how to fight in rp, how to set up a rp character, blah blah blah) so do you think thats a good idea or what? it will get more ppl to the rpg and help those who dont know how to rp learn

2005-02-15 [Insaniac Yoshie]: P.S. i wont do ne thing til i get an OK on the idea

2005-02-16 [Phil Crooked]: yeah ok sounds good

2005-02-16 [Insaniac Yoshie]: k i ll start working on and should have everything going in a couple of day depending on how fast i get responses from ppl

2005-02-16 [Phil Crooked]: hey i have a new bannner ima put it up ok tell me if i should make a better one

2005-02-16 [Insaniac Yoshie]: kk i will

2005-02-16 [Phil Crooked]: nvm my peice of shit cp wont load it

2005-02-16 [Dwarf Ronin]: So, where do I start/

2005-02-16 [Insaniac Yoshie]: fill out the thingy in the members page

2005-02-16 [Phil Crooked]: go to members page make your character then go to latest wiki rp page la rp 5 and find a way to make ur characters apperiance , p.s. you might wanna chek out the older rp pages to see where we are

2005-02-16 [a little piece of sunshine]: yea i ma kinda behind can someone catch me up plz?

2005-02-17 [Phil Crooked]: hey phe , i have some sketches in my notebook of non player characters like the rulers or w/e of the worlds , like for say ashar and or starial , characters in the story that ppl dont play as , what would you say about a non player character paghe where i put the pic of them and info of them to help get a better visual of the story line?

2005-02-17 [Insaniac Yoshie]: that would be great! it would give the rp mor body to work with to its that kinda stuff that a good rp needs

2005-02-17 [Phil Crooked]: yay im smert :P lol just to get it outa my system from everyone asking me wtf i dre them for , the earthworld ruler is a ninja like character , the ruler of netherealm world is a demonic like warrior , the ruler of the Kunark world is a dragon , and the others are still being thought of

2005-02-17 [Insaniac Yoshie]: well wouldnt the hevan ruler be like an angel? cept give it a twist and make it like a demonic angel or sumthing

2005-02-17 [Phil Crooked]: ah see the ruler of heavon would be like idk in the story it gets condemd so i acually think that would fit making a demonic angle , oh yeah and the unknown sorcerer guy has a twist to who he is want meto tell you or let you figure out who he is or not , you wont be able to tell by the pic ecouse hell basically be a shadowd figure with a large cloak on

2005-02-17 [Insaniac Yoshie]: lol sure you couldf tell me if youu want toi diont think i could figure it out by my self with out some tips though

2005-02-17 [a little piece of sunshine]: if it is a demonic angel how can it be an angel?

2005-02-17 [Dark Adherent]: Demons are angels. They were cast out of heaven during the great war between god and lucifer. The demons were the angels that sided with Lucifer. So essentially, demons are just fallen angels. =P

2005-02-18 [Phil Crooked]: yeah well lucifer is lil nikeys bro

2005-02-18 [a little piece of sunshine]: ohhhhhhhhhhh

2005-02-18 [Insaniac Yoshie]: i believe theres a lil more to it than that dark. but we wont get into religion bc thats a never ending discussion

2005-02-18 [Phil Crooked]: lol im not religus so i wouldnt know

2005-02-18 [a little piece of sunshine]: heck yes bot do i know that conversation alittle to well

2005-02-18 [Insaniac Yoshie]: lol it happened in the et chat one time when i was in there i got tired of listening to it so i left and came back like 4 hrs later and they were still going at it

2005-02-18 [a little piece of sunshine]: are u serious

2005-02-18 [a little piece of sunshine]: dats creepyish

2005-02-18 [Insaniac Yoshie]: yeah like i said its a never ending discussion *likes ish* *dreamy-ish voice* ish......

2005-02-18 [a little piece of sunshine]: ish its a good thing lol

2005-02-18 [Phil Crooked]: i once read pages from a spanish bible , it was so cool i had no idea what i was reading lol

2005-02-18 [Insaniac Yoshie]: lol

2005-02-18 [Phil Crooked]: phe i got another idea , what if i put up like background information of the worlds themselfes so ppl can learn what there all about

2005-02-18 [Insaniac Yoshie]: that would also be a good idea. i think you should do both

2005-02-18 [Phil Crooked]: well of course i am , im almost done with the drawings , i need to finish ashar and the dragon then do starial

2005-02-18 [Insaniac Yoshie]: kewlness

2005-02-18 [Dark Adherent]: Lol, I know there's more =P Can't effectively sum up pages of stuff in two lines ~_^ But that was the jist of it. Anyway, yea, I know it's never-ending, and I won't jump in cause I know damn well I'm not that knowledgeable in christianity, let alone other religions =/

2005-02-18 [Insaniac Yoshie]: lol

2005-02-18 [Phil Crooked]: hey phe i should have some pics up by tomarrow , keep in mind that they are all not finished so right now theres only half a dragon for the dragon but i figure i might as well put them up for what they are now and as they progress upgrade them

2005-02-18 [Insaniac Yoshie]: k sounds like a good idea to me

2005-02-18 [Phil Crooked]: ok phe i made the ruler of hevan world this crazy loking horse rino hybrid thingy

2005-02-18 [Insaniac Yoshie]: lol works cant wait to see it

2005-02-19 [a little piece of sunshine]: heck yes lol

2005-02-19 [Phil Crooked]: hey just so you know im cahgning my chars pic and im trashing that one couse it sucks

2005-02-19 [a little piece of sunshine]: ok if you want by the way got mine done yet if not i can attempt to draw it i am sure i can find a scanner... somewhere

2005-02-20 [Phil Crooked]: im sry but i havnt finished urs yet its diffacult to draw boobs and the other parts right

2005-02-20 [a little piece of sunshine]: lol lol nice ok well i was just wondering no rush i promise

2005-02-20 [Phil Crooked]: do yah guys like the new banner?

2005-02-20 [a little piece of sunshine]: yupppers

2005-02-21 [Phil Crooked]: hey guys since i have so much drawing time , what if i made a page like the one im making for the npc's but like a index for the creachers of legand of ashar ?

2005-02-21 [a little piece of sunshine]: nah that would take to long

2005-02-21 [Phil Crooked]: ok then i just draw all the time so yeah

2005-02-21 [a little piece of sunshine]: true its ur choice might not wanna ask me though i amnot a good atrist

2005-02-21 [Phil Crooked]: lol

2005-02-21 [jessica.]: hey phil and ppl

2005-02-21 [a little piece of sunshine]: ............. hi new ppl

2005-02-21 [Phil Crooked]: lol hey jess and or anna

2005-02-21 [animalluver87]: hey soulz it is me liz can i join?

2005-02-21 [Phil Crooked]: of course

2005-02-21 [animalluver87]: kewl thanx a million now on to thy hotness of the tub

2005-02-21 [animalluver87]: hey ppl, what is up?

2005-02-21 [a little piece of sunshine]: nm just waiting for ur room to be done to go places! lol

2005-02-21 [animalluver87]: gee thanx. hurry up and get here will u!

2005-02-21 [a little piece of sunshine]: my mommy is in the shower she can only wash her hair so fast

2005-02-21 [animalluver87]: yeah yeah

2005-02-21 [a little piece of sunshine]: hehehe

2005-02-21 [animalluver87]: bratious maximus

2005-02-23 [a little piece of sunshine]: meanie liz not nice at all no i am totally kidding but i am so gonna hurt drew west tomorrow with lots of kindness

2005-02-24 [Insaniac Yoshie]: lol?

2005-02-24 [a little piece of sunshine]: drew west is an evil senior varsity football player all that attitude he is my dram class

2005-02-24 [Insaniac Yoshie]: ooooohhhhhhh k is he one of those hot brainless jocks who you wish would act more human and less godlike? or he just your average run or the mill ass?

2005-02-24 [Dark Adherent]: Sounds like an average case of Idius Maximus.

2005-02-24 [Insaniac Yoshie]: lol sry but i cant seem to think up some witty pun like that

2005-02-24 [Dark Adherent]: You'll find I'm notorius for those >=]

2005-02-24 [a little piece of sunshine]: hehehe so hey dark r u in da rp?

2005-02-24 [Phil Crooked]: seriusly

2005-02-24 [a little piece of sunshine]: mhm

2005-02-24 [Phil Crooked]: whats that ?

2005-02-24 [a little piece of sunshine]: nothing *deep sigh*

2005-02-25 [Insaniac Yoshie]: um i think i got one... Retardous Major?

2005-02-25 [Dark Adherent]: I'm kind of iffy on my status as well...but atleast I haven't hopped in and then just left all of a sudden, so that way I'm not ruining anything. We'll see what happens.

2005-02-25 [Insaniac Yoshie]: hmm... im sure youv seen recent events? (not meaning RP)

2005-02-25 [Dark Adherent]: If you're not referring to the rp then I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about. O.o

2005-02-25 [Insaniac Yoshie]: *cough* comments *cough cough* a player was just chased off

2005-02-25 [Dark Adherent]: Still not following. Who was chased off?

2005-02-25 [Insaniac Yoshie]: Haru a.k.a. vamp

2005-02-25 [Dark Adherent]: Took me awhile to find it, I was looking aorund here at first, then I followed the rp. Seemed kind of stupid to me really.

2005-02-25 [Insaniac Yoshie]: yeah me to i tried to help the kid but sometime they just wont listen

2005-02-25 [Dark Adherent]: Indeed. Happens with *censored* >>;

2005-02-25 [Phil Crooked]: i dont like him or his char

2005-02-25 [Dark Adherent]: *laughs* You's a good thing Isaac hasn't come in to play earlier...He is a Vampire Hunter...he'da busted his ass right from the start...<<

2005-02-25 [Phil Crooked]: lol that woulda been good hey dude how come you havnt come in yet?

2005-02-25 [Dark Adherent]: Not exactly sure how to do it. I've got an idea, but I dunno how to put it into play effectively. I also don't have a feel for this world. I was at first under the impression that it was medieval, though you mentioned Burger King or McDonalds, one of the two somewhere and now I'm a bit lost.

2005-02-25 [Phil Crooked]: oh lmao yeah i was a lil off that night pay no attention to that its like idk far far far in the fuchur like but instead of everything being super inteleteic like robot toasters and shit things turnd more waistland and villageish but theresstill citys and crap

2005-02-25 [Dark Adherent]: Post apocalypse then?

2005-02-25 [Insaniac Yoshie]: i think this place is under sort of a time warp thing where there is no real time except what you want to be

2005-02-25 [Dark Adherent]: That would pose some severe logical and physical complications. O.o

2005-02-25 [Phil Crooked]: uh yeah i guess

2005-02-25 [Insaniac Yoshie]: lol that was just my guess

2005-02-25 [Phil Crooked]: i am not sure what time zone it is its like all over the place really couse it dosnt just take place in one like galixy you know?

2005-02-25 [Dark Adherent]: play Champions or Norrath or Baldurs Gate or any other game associated with them?

2005-02-25 [Insaniac Yoshie]: iv played balders gate

2005-02-25 [Phil Crooked]: i used to play everquest but i dont play games to much ne more , im too busy

2005-02-25 [Dark Adherent]: I take it that's where Kunark came from, neh?

2005-02-25 [Phil Crooked]: ssshh

2005-02-25 [Insaniac Yoshie]: lol

2005-02-25 [a little piece of sunshine]: wow surprisingly i haven't played any games like that

2005-02-26 [Insaniac Yoshie]: which would explain your lack of RPing skills (no insult intended just an observation)

2005-02-26 [a little piece of sunshine]: yea none taken i am pretty bad at rping but i try

2005-02-26 [Insaniac Yoshie]: that all any of us can really do in the end =)

2005-03-18 [a little piece of sunshine]: mhm i guess so

2005-04-11 [a little piece of sunshine]: so just wondering where has soulz been lately?

2005-04-11 [Insaniac Yoshie]: no clue what so ever

2005-04-15 [a little piece of sunshine]: same here i wanted to go a ska concert tonight and i can't go my friend josh (patty) is playing in the local band called the goners and i can't go see him play and listen to awesome music which stinks ut o well if only u can controll parents

2005-04-15 [Insaniac Yoshie]: LOL

2005-04-16 [a little piece of sunshine]: hheeheheheh i know and parents took away my cell phone i feel so unconnected! plus it is friday nihgt and i am at home it is killing me cuz i wanna call my friends and do something but i don't have their number lol

2005-04-16 [Insaniac Yoshie]: well at least you still have the comp

2005-04-16 [a little piece of sunshine]: yea that works too soulz comp is fried i found out

2005-04-16 [Insaniac Yoshie]: ahhh so thats why hes not on...

2005-04-16 [Phil Crooked]: lol as if im missed

2005-04-16 [a little piece of sunshine]: u r soulz very much so

2005-04-17 [Phil Crooked]: but am i missed if i return? and if so why would you miss me ? i am grass in feild blowing in the wind only hopeing to be set free , when im rooted to the ground and can never leve

2005-04-17 [Insaniac Yoshie]: yes but the grass is missed when it only sits as a seed in the ground and never grows to its full, even if it can never leave the world is dismal and boring without it

2005-04-17 [a little piece of sunshine]: lets just hope no one mows the grass of course we missed u and now u r back and that is good

2005-04-17 [Insaniac Yoshie]: why so depressed like phil?

2005-04-17 [a little piece of sunshine]: me i am not depressed just highly bored and stressed out but it is all good

2005-04-17 [Phil Crooked]: im not depressed........

2005-04-17 [a little piece of sunshine]: whats u=wrong phil everyone knows that this....... means they r lying with pants on fire

2005-04-17 [Phil Crooked]: huh

2005-04-17 [a little piece of sunshine]: nmv

2005-04-17 [a little piece of sunshine]: nvm*

2005-04-18 [Insaniac Yoshie]: well you seen depressed for some reason...

2005-04-18 [a little piece of sunshine]: who mean or writen in blood?

2005-04-20 [Insaniac Yoshie]: phil

2005-04-20 [a little piece of sunshine]: yea maybe it is phase or something or maybe something is buggin him

2005-04-21 [Take Away This Travesty]: ; )

2005-04-21 [Phil Crooked]: eh yeah not alot of good stuff is going on in this time of my life , as of right now im not depressed jut.idk insitefull maybee idk who cares anyways

2005-04-23 [a little piece of sunshine]: *raises hand* i care

2005-04-30 [Phil Crooked]: guess what aly i got arrested with 4 charges and now half of the high school and all of the elementry schools knows and then i realized , wow alot of people know me

2005-04-30 [a little piece of sunshine]: well *hits u across the head

2005-04-30 [a little piece of sunshine]: * what the heck did u do?

2005-05-05 [a little piece of sunshine]: so how is everyone?

2005-05-06 [Phil Crooked]: i miss you guys

2005-05-06 [a little piece of sunshine]: how could u miss us ? why were gone so long anyways?

2005-05-06 [Phil Crooked]: how cant i miss you guys , my cp is fried man it sucks

2005-05-10 [a little piece of sunshine]: ohh yea i forgot about that i thought u were just not getting on ne more

2005-05-13 [Insaniac Yoshie]: im still here... just havent had a chance to get on in a while... *wishes she could do something to help*

2005-05-15 [a little piece of sunshine]: sok

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